At the June meeting, held on the 9th, we chatted about most of Apple’s announcements at the recent WWDC keynote including the iMac Pro, iOS 11, macOS High Sierra and Home Pod.
Apple held its annual World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) from the 5th to the 9th of June with a keynote presentation on the 5th.
The keynote was packed with announcements across Apple’s product lines and at this meeting we chatted about most of them:
- Upgraded MacBooks and iMacs.
- The new iMac Pro.
- macOS High Sierra.
- New 10.5” and 12.9” iPad Pros.
- iOS 11, in particular the new features for iPad.
- Home Pod.
- tvOS and watchOS updates.
The virtual reality (VR, on Mac) and augmented reality (AR, on iOS) demonstrations were particularly impressive.
Several members were also very taken with the new features of iOS 11 on iPad such as Drag and Drop (with multi-selection), Files app (which is also available on iPhone) and the pervasive dock. It looks like these will make the iPad work very well as a productivity tool.