Apple Print Products and Show & Tell

The March meeting was held on Friday the 10th. Ben talked about print products available from Apple and showed us a photo book he’d created. A number of useful tips came up in our “Show and Tell” session.

Apple Print Products

Ben talked about the various print products such as photo books, calendars and cards available from Apple and how they can be created and ordered via Photos (and iPhoto) on the Mac. He demonstrated laying out a photo book and showed us a great-looking photo book he had made of a friend’s wedding.

Ben told us that in his experience the products are of consistently high quality and are delivered within a few days.

He went on to show how photos can be edited in an external application such as Photoshop before being added to Photos to achieve results not possible with the templates Apple provides.

Show and Tell

Denesh showed us his AirPods, including the neat charging case and how easily they pair with an iPhone.

DavidB pointed out the “Never use font sizes smaller than…” feature that has recently been added to Safari (found in Preferences/Advanced under Accessibility). This lets you set a minimum font size for web sites to make them more readable without needing to zoom the page.

Ben recommended Anthony Morganti’s YouTube channel as a good source for photography advice and tutorials particularly on Adobe Lightroom.

News Discussion

We talked about:

  • The recent “Vault 7” leaks and their implications for Apple and other technology companies.
  • WWDC 2017 (which runs from the 5th to 9th of June).
  • Apple Music exceeding 20 million subscribers.
  • The launch of BeatsX wireless headphones which feature the same W1 chip as the AirPods.